Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Case no: 2

This patient is 3 yr male child complaining of recurrent cough and fever episode since 6 months of age. He was admitted for cough and fever two times. There is deformity of right hand as shown in the clinical picture.

Question: Name the syndrome and congenital anomalies associated with this syndrome?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spot diagnosis of clinical pictures

Answer of Picture 1.

1) This is ***** 3 yr old complaining of not gaining weight and bony deformity gradually increasing since birth.

Question 1: Identify the condition and give 3 differential diagnosis for the cause of this condition? 

Answer 1: This is most severe or florid form of rickets. This is picture of pt of cystinosis with florid rickets.

Differential diagnosis of florid rickets: 
1) Fanconi syndrome: Cystinosis, oculocerebrorenal syndrome (Lowe syndrome).
2) X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets.
3)  Vitamin D–dependent rickets type 1, Vitamin D–dependent rickets type 2.

Causes of Rickets
Nutritional vitamin D deficiency
Congenital vitamin D deficiency
Secondary vitamin D deficiency
 Increased degradation
 Decreased liver 25-hydroxylase
Vitamin D–dependent rickets type 1
Vitamin D–dependent rickets type 2
Chronic renal failure
Low intake
 Premature infants (rickets of prematurity)
 Primary disease
 Dietary inhibitors of calcium absorption
Inadequate intake
 Premature infants (rickets of prematurity)
 Aluminum-containing antacids
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets[*]
Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets[*]
Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria
Overproduction of phosphatonin
 Tumor-induced rickets[*]
 McCune-Albright syndrome[*]
 Epidermal nevus syndrome[*]
Fanconi syndrome
Dent disease

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

1) This is ***** 3 yr old complaining of not gaining weight and bony deformity gradually increasing since birth.

Question 1: Identify the condition and give 3 differential diagnosis for the cause of this condition? 

Answer will be blogged on 11/2/11